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Offline Folder Stops Working Properly

I did a server migration over the weekend SBS 2003 to SBS 2011 everything went fine except some of the machines would do strange things when it came to moving the users shared folders, I noticed the Desktops would redirect fine but the users My Documents would not update the sync center with the new […]

Filmstrip view missing in XP

A user was attempting to view a folder with pictures in it and wanted to use Filmstrip view, but it had disappeared from the view menu.

The way to get this option back is to go to, Control Panel System on the Advanced tab under performance click settings Untick use common tasks in folders click […]

Access denied when tring to access mapped drives and join a domain

One day when trying to access a mapped drive i received an “access denied” if i tried to access the server directly using the share name it prompted for a username and password and even though the details are correct the box keeps coming back.

So i dis-joined it from the domain and attempted to […]

Manually Delete a Windows Service

To delete a service manually first of all you need to find the service name go to Administrative Tools and then Services and double click on the service you want to remove, take a note of where it says service name

I this example its AcrSchSvc then you need to open an elevated command […]

Sage Line 50 corrupt licence file

Today I had an issue with the licence file within line 50 going corrupt, so it wouldn’t let me change the activation key to upgrade the program it just kept saying the serial number and activation key combination was incorrect. To solve this issue you need to rename the licence key file so the program […]

Office 2007 The windows installer service cannot update one or more protected windows files.

This error is due to the office installer not seeing files in the c:\program files\common files\microsoft shared\web server extensions\40\bin. I’m not sure why they weren’t their as it was a fresh install of xp pro sp3 off the dell cd, but the solution to this error is to install the Frontpage 2000 server extensions.

Go […]

CA eTrust ITM Firewall exclusions

Three firewall exclusions are needed for the ITM client to work properly for the phone home, av updates, and policy distribution etc, they need to be added to the windows firewall.

eTrust ITM – Realtime monitor — c:\program files\ca\etrustitm\realmon.exe

eTrust ITM – RPC Service — c:\program files\ca\etrustitm\inorpc.exe

eTrust ITM – Shell Scanner — c:\program files\ca\etrustitm\shellscn.exe

Remove old locations from offline files

I can across offline files trying to sync data from several old locations on a laptop but there is no obvious way to remove the locations from the sync manager i can across this solution on the interweb.

Click start run mobsync uncheck all locations in sync manager, then click the setup tab and uncheck […]

System restore from the recovery console (sort of)

I needed to run a system restore on a windows xp pc the other day but the system wouldn’t boot into to normal or safe mode so i needed to run a system restore from dos i found an article to recover from a corrupted registry that prevents xp from booting. KB307545

To restore the […]